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Given below is a list of our pricing for the most common types of Will:
Simple Wills:
Single 234.00
Couple (‘mirror Wills’) 354.00
Specialist Wills:
Right of Occupancy/Life Interest Trust (from…) 600.00
Discretionary Trust (from…) 660.00
Ancillary services:
Letter of Wishes (from, for a very simple letter…) 60.00
Severance of Joint Tenancy (inc. HMLR registration) 180.00
The above fees include VAT @ 20%. If you are making a comparison with other firms, please make sure that they are compared on a like-for-like basis.
Definition of a ‘Simple Will’
A Simple Will is one where you leave all of your estate to a spouse, partner or other adults but with a proviso that, if that person dies before you, your estate will instead pass to your children or other adults or charities. It is limited to 5 beneficiaries.
Other Wills
The above fees will alter if your Will is more complex. Some examples of specialist Wills are given in the table above. Other examples where you may require advice outside the above definition of a Simple Will include additional advice on inheritance tax, trusts, transferring property to a family member or advice on long term care payments. Alternatively, you may have family from a previous marriage/civil partnership or have other dependents. Or you may want to exclude a dependent as a beneficiary of your estate.
Hourly charges
If you require additional advice beyond that for a Simple Will, then the hourly rate of the person giving such advice will apply (these hourly rates range from £180-£354 inclusive of VAT). This will of course be agreed with you beforehand.
Please also note that a charge will be made for time spent on your matter whether or not you decide to complete your Will.
Home Visits
We can visit you at home if you are unable to come to the office. We charge a set fee of £60 including VAT if you reside within a 20 mile radius of our Kessingland office. If we have to travel further than this, then the hourly rate (plus VAT) of the person visiting you at your home will apply.
There is also a charge for petrol (at £0.54 per mile inclusive of VAT) and parking fees (where applicable).
How long will it take?
We will prepare a draft Will usually within 2 weeks of receiving your full instructions.
If you require any amendments to your draft Will then we will aim to provide you with a further draft within 1 week of receiving further instructions from you.