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Our fixed fees for preparing and registering straightforward Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) fees are given in the table below. There are two types of LPA – one for Property & Finance and the other for Health & Welfare. As the application and registration processes for both types are similar, we do not distinguish between them for the purposes of pricing:


     LPA pricing:                                                                                                                       £ Including VAT


  1. Single LPA                                                                                                                    444.00                                                                                                                                                                                                

  2. Both types of LPA                                                                                                        564.00                                                                                                                                                                                     

  3. Couple doing both types of LPA                                                                               750.00 

  4. Registration of a pre-2015 LPA                                                                                   300.00

  5. Registration of an EPA                                                                                                300.00 

  6. Revocation of a Power of Attorney                                                                            240.00

  7. Preparing General Power of Attorney                                                                       480.00


The above fees include VAT @ 20%. If you are making a comparison with other firms, please make sure that they are compared on a like-for-like basis.

More complex LPAs  or other types of Power of Attorney

If your matter is not straightforward, or involves detailed dialogue with Office of the Public Guardian (or “OPG” for short - this is the section of the Court of Protection charged with the administration of LPAs) then a surcharge will be made for the extra work involved. The surcharge will be calculated based on the time spent on the matter and then charged at the hourly rate or rates (see below) of the member(s) of staff doing the work for you.


Hourly Rates

The hourly rate of the person giving advice will apply. These will range from  £180 - £354  inclusive of VAT and will of course be agreed with you beforehand.

Please also note that a charge will be made for time spent on your matter whether or not you decide to complete your LPA(s).


Registration Fees

Please note that there is a registration fee of £82 for every LPA submitted for registration to the OPG. Hence, for 2 LPAs, you need to allow £162 and for 4 LPAs £328 for these fees. An LPA cannot be used until it has been registered at the OPG.

In certain situations the registration fee(s) may be waived. You would be eligible for a fee exemption if you receive one of a number of means-tested benefits and have not been awarded damages of more than £16,000, which were disregarded when determining eligibility for the benefit.


If you do not qualify for a fee exemption, you may be eligible for a fee remission of 50% if your gross annual income is less than £12,000.


How long will it take?

Once we have all the information to prepare the relevant documents, we anticipate that it will take:

  • 3 weeks to complete the paperwork and submit it for for registration; and

  • up to a further 12-16 weeks before the OPG registers and returns the LPA.


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