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Given below is a list of our pricing for the most common types of ancillary service
​Name Description Fixed Price (inc. VAT)
Deed of Variation £600.00
Deed of Change of Name Change of name by an adult £360.00
Transfer of Registered Property following death Application to HM Land Registry to change property ownership details ( Separate Conveyancing Fees will apply and be provided and HMLR fees will apply)
Transfer of Unregistered Property following death (including 1st registration) Application to HM Land Registry to change property ownership details and make 1st registration of the title ( Separate Conveyancing Fees will apply and be provided and HMLR fees will apply)
Voluntary 1st registration of a property Application to HM Land Registry to make 1st registration of the title (HMLR fees will apply) £720.00
Deed of Gift Deed of Gift of a property to a relative, friend or charity - from £360.00
Declaration of Trust Setting up a trust during your lifetime (as opposed to creating it in your Will) -
from £360 to £720
Court of Protection Deputyship application Court application when something stronger than a Lasting Power of Attorney is required (HMCTS fees will apply) - from….
Trustee Application for property sale Court application where Trustee wants to sell property ( Separate Conveyancing Fees will apply and be provided and HMLR fees will apply)
The above fees include VAT @ 20%. If you are making a comparison with other firms, please make sure that they are compared on a like-for-like basis. We have given an indication of our fixed fees for a straightforward piece of work in each of the above cases; they will vary for more complex matters and we will advise you of that in advance of starting to act on your behalf.
Costs do not include Disbursements
Please note that the above are just a sample of what may arise. If you are unsure about whether or not we cover the work for which you require advise, please call us.