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We can also assist with a financial settlement. The cost of this greatly depends on how much involvement we have and the circumstances of your case, and we will provide you with a cost estimate at the outset of your case. We charge an hourly rate and this depends on the status and experience of the person between £250 per hour to £295 per hour plus VAT at 20%.


(Please contact us for a free consultation to assess the case and we will provide a fixed fee quotation based on your circumstances if applicable in your case )


Financial consent order on Fixed Fee of £5000 plus 20% VAT or

Timed Fee of £250 to £295 plus VAT (available options)


  • Correspondence/Contact with other party  and their legal representative

  • Assessment of the case and taking instructions from client

  • Dealing with FORM Es disclosure 

  • Dealing with Questionnaires and Deficiencies

  • Advice on assessment of a settlement offer

  • Negotiation to effect a settlement by Consent without issue of Form A application

  • Drafting / Review of Consent Order for approval by the Court

  • Submitting application on the Divorce Portal 

  • Application for the Divorce to be made Final


.What the Fee does not include:

  • Issues arising due to non-disclosure of material facts at initial assessment of circumstances

  • Dissipation of Assets before divorce application

  • Disbursements including Court Fee (£58)  for Consent Order, Official Copy Title and Plan (£6 No VAT)

  • Court Fee for applications to family court £303(No VAT)

  • Dealing with marital assets from abroad including pensions

  • Conveyancing fee for transfer of equity

  • Repeated substantive amendments made by client to Draft Consent Order and instructions

  • Any legal work after issue of formal proceedings to the court e.g. Form A application (Timed fee will apply )


We will advise you should any of the circumstances above require a variation of our Fixed Fee should it become necessary due to complexities as the case progresses and with your consent will apply timed fee. We will then provide a sample Costs plan in respect of different-stages of representation and costs in financial proceedings, including disbursements and third party costs.


Timed Fee of Fee Earners on Hourly rate (including VAT) varies between :


  • Grade A £354.00  Senior Lawyers of PQE 5 Years or more

  • Grade B £300.00  Lawyers of PQE 1-4 Years

  • Grade C £240.00 Trainee Lawyers under Supervision by Grade A

  • Grade D £180.00 Legal Assistants


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